David Maulén de los Reyes teaches history of technology at the Metropolitan Technological University (UTEM). He has a Master's in Communication (from the Institute of Social Communication UACh) and a Diploma in Cultural Studies (UARCIS and F. Rockefeller). He has written about the relationships between art, science, and technology in Chile and Latin America within the processes of social change, developing a specific methodology of the sociology of symbolic production for the retrospective study of project disciplines such as design, architecture, urban planning, and engineering. Using this methodology, he has been curator of the 3rd Biennial of the National Museum of Fine Arts MNBA: "situation of Chilean contemporary art," curator of the project for the new Gabriela Mistral cultural center, visualization of information: "genealogical trajectories of buildings for the 3rd United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD III”, and regional curator of the IFA project: “Everyone is a Bauhaus. Past and future of a concept”, exhibited at the ZKM. He has contributed to the platform: “is modernity our antiquity?” of the XII Documenta in Kassel. He was co-editor of the special issue on Cybernetics in Latin America published by Springer's AI & Society Journal, research that he has continued developing.
Art, Technology and Philosophy Symposium (II)